January 2025 Update
Our team is so grateful for your continued prayers for our building project. We had a great meeting with our project partners; Septagon Construction, Rains Architecture, and Garden & Associates in December. We have begun moving forward with construction drawings and began finalizing the purchase of land from Titan Machinery to allow us to begin parking expansion as soon as possible in the spring.
Ways to Give
Checks can be made out to Federated Fellowship Church. Please include “Building Project” in the memo line.
Subsplash Online Giving
If utilizing the online giving option, please select the Building Fund in the drop-down menu.
Donate through stocks & mutual funds or RMD's
- Stock and Mutual Funds: If securities have been held for more than one year and are gifted directly to Federated Fellowship, the donor receives a tax deduction equal to the appreciated value of the security and the unrealized capital gain is not taxable.
- RMDs: If you are over age 70.5 and are taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), you can request that it be sent directly to Federated as a gift.
There is a tax benefit in gifting grain when grain is requested to be transferred directly to Federated at the time it is delivered to the elevator or if it is in storage. The tax benefit is from not recognizing income on the sale of the grain.
Please notify the church of gifts designated for the building project.
With all giving methods, please consult your tax and/or legal advisor for advice about your individual situation.
With all giving methods, please consult your tax and/or legal advisor for advice about your individual situation.

Prayer Points
Pray with us as we continue to submit to God's leading.
- Unity in our body
- God's leading of the timeline
- Fundraising
- God's leading of the timeline
- Fundraising
- Future ministry in the new spaces
- Contractors working on our project
- Contractors working on our project
Building Team Members
Sean Panknen
Phil Stravers