
Serving the littlest ones in our church family


The purpose of this ministry is to provide a clean, safe, and nurturing environment for our nursery children; allowing parents to participate in the worship service. 

It's nice to meet you!

Sunday Mornings

Get to know more about  us.

Thank you for sharing your children with us in the nursery at Federated. They bring so much joy to our volunteers. It is an honor and privilege to serve the littlest ones in our church family.

Our volunteers are here to love and care for your children while you worship and we take pride in knowing this is done well.  Thank you for allowing us to serve you in this capacity.
Our nursery rooms are located in the south hallway.

8:45  & 10:30 service
Infant Nursery: Room 114
Toddler Nursery: Rooms 111-112

Mother's Room
A quiet, comfortable, and secluded space is available for nursing mothers throughout the service in Room 113.